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😊30-Day Business Challenge Day 7: Marketing Integrity - live your values and communicate your values

happiness marketing

😊30-Day Business Challenge

Day 7: Marketing Integrity - live your values and communicate your values

to recap the Internet marketing premise:

  1. it's all about the client's happiness
  2. it's about having a genuine relationship
  3. it's about being You (the personified brand)
  4. it's about you living and communicate your values in the service you provide

When our values are met, we are happy and energized. The opposite comes when our values are violated. But who is the violator?

How to have a business (and life) you love?

  1. First, you must know what are your values.
  2. Then should clean up your life so it will match and honor your values.

So what are your values and are you living them or do you bend them to please others?


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